Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The times they are a-changin'.

I am happy living in Knoxville for the first time ever. If that sounds like I've been miserable this whole time, you should know that's not the case. But it's a realization I came to recently, and although it's probably been slowly coming true, I just noticed that me being happy is finally complete. When my friends came in from Nashville last weekend, I was really glad to see them leave on Sunday. And it wasn't like it has been in the past, when I was tired and them leaving equaled me getting to rest. It was like they changed awhile ago, and now, so have I. And that's okay. We're all still friends, but a lot has happened in the past year to make us grow apart. I feel like they don't understand what I'm going through in terms of this stage of my life, but for the big stuff, the overall kinds of things, they can get those. That's good enough for me. So, all in all, it was good, things are on the up and up with most of the friendships I have. It isn't like we had a bad visit, but it really made some things clear, especially my own feelings. It's okay to change if you retain what made you good in the beginning. I think that's the case here, and that makes me sad for what's gone, but excited for what's next. So it's cool, I'm cool, we're cool. Yeah.

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