Sunday, November 25, 2007

I'm still alive, only I'm very badly burned.

I burned the roof of my mouth on the mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving dinner. It still hurts. That's pretty much the most exciting thing I've got going on right now. But anyway. . .

There are a number of things I want to write about today. The first is to compile the funny quotes, texts, and e-mails I've heard, said, received, sent in the past year. That will probably be put on hold until the end of the year. The second is to discuss temper in a historical, autobiographical context. That will probably have to wait as well, because I plan on getting pretty personal and I'm not quite ready to air all my dirty laundry and closet-residing skeletons on the internets yet. The third is my take on the new Britney Spears cd, and although it is embarrassing that I like it, much of what I admit via this blog is embarrassing. So, expect a Britney post soon, maybe today if I'm feeling inspired. And stay tuned for the former two topics at a later date. (Oh, and this was really just a chance to jot down these ideas before I forget. Sorry if I bored you.)

1 comment:

Tony said...

Mary, Sorry about your burn...hope it gets better. I went to my sisters for Thanksgiving. Mom, Dad, and both brothers got to come up for the holiday. It was a great time, we haven't gotten together like that since 4th of July at the lake. We had a great dinner, watched the Vols beat the Cats in 4OTs, and played some music. We had dinner on Sat. when everyone got there. I had some hard lemonades...I love those things! Until next time, take care...