Thursday, January 24, 2008

I believe the children are our future.

Today I went to visit a friend at work. She teaches elementary school. We were standing in the hallway as a little girl walked toward us, staring at me thoughtfully. Then she looked me square in the eyes and said, "You're pretty." After a moment of surprise, I said, "Thank you." She skipped away down the hall. My friend said, "Don't you just love coming here?"


Tony said...

Well there you go Mary...your beauty has now been verified. That had to make you feel good. From the mouth of babes comes the absolute truths of life, or so it is said. I had a similiar experience not so long ago with my niece who is in the first grade...she said, "Uncle Tony, when I grow up will my nose be that big?" I replied, "I certainly hope not hunny." Then she gave me a big hug. It still made me feel good...all the honesty left in the world is in children!

Tony said...

There was a child went forth everyday, and the first object she looked upon, that object she became. That object became part of her for the day, or a certain part of the day. For many years or for stretching cycles of years. The experiences became part of that child who went forth everyday, and who now goes, and will always go forth everyday. I am done...

Mary said...

There will be no gay-bashing on my blog. I don't know if that was your intent with that comment, Tony, but that's my rule. I'm leaving it up in case you didn't mean it in that way. As for you, Kyle, be nice. I don't really like commenting on my own goddamn blog, and I don't appreciate you two making me feel like I have to interject.

But for realz, I don't take myself seriously, and neither should anyone who reads this crap.