Thursday, October 04, 2007

Around the way girl.

Umm, that is one of my favorite rap songs, ever. Anywho. . .

Halloween is approaching and I don't have a costume yet. Even though I didn't get a chance to wear my "Your Mom" costume last year, the idea is already played out in my head, and I can't do that. In case you haven't heard about that one (or if you want to steal it), the idea was to wear a turtleneck / windbreaker outfit with white tennis shoes. Gold chain pendant on the outside of the turtleneck, poufy hair, heavy makeup. When people ask who I'm dressed up as, I reply, "your mom." Man, that was an awesome idea. Oh well. Year before that I was K-Fed (a full year before Andy-fuckin' Roddick btw). That was a sweet-ass costume too.

Right now I'm not feeling very creative. Amy Winehouse would be funny, but I'm not really thin enough for that. Hmmm, I'll have to think on this. In other, completely unimportant news, I took a midterm today. I'm pretty sure I made an A, not bragging, just truthful. In philosophy, we had a class debate on abortion which was as incredibly hellacious as it sounds. In another class, we discussed The Awakening, and if I have to read that again, I might have to drown myself. So, yeah, school is going great. Really friggin' great.

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