Tuesday, March 06, 2007

No sleep 'til Brooklyn.

My brain is really tired but I can't nap. I've had 4 cups of coffee and one diet mountain dew since 4 this morning. I studied for 3 hours this morning for a test that was postponed. That was awesome, especially since I could have spent that time studying for the test that I actually had to take. No use crying over spilled caffeine, I suppose. Speaking of spilled caffeine, I've peed about 5 times thus far today, and I kind of have to pee right now.

We were talking the other day in class about dreams. When I was younger, I hardly ever remembered my dreams. Occasionally, I would awaken in the middle of a nightmare, but not too often. However, now I almost always remember my dreams. I'll wake up, then drift back to sleep, and the same dream starts as though I haven't woken up. Boring things happen, usually I'm just talking to someone, or watching other people talk, there's not a lot of plot. Sometimes I'm the main character in the dream, but sometimes, I'm not even aware of being present. My dreams are about people I don't know, usually. I hardly ever have friends or family involved. Actually the only time friends and family appear is in nightmares when they have died or are dying. These nightmares are just as vivid as the dreams, and I usually wake up crying. Apparently I'm afraid of other people dying, but not myself. I guess that's a good thing, I don't really know.

Last night I had a dream about vowels. I was on top of a building and instead of a sign saying Hotel DuBois or something, it had the vowels spelled out in lights. A, E, I, O, and U were really bright, but there was a Y at the end that kept flickering on and off. Obviously it's just an expression of "and sometimes y". I know it's a pretty pointless dream, but I think it's pretty neat that I can remember it.

I believe Regina Spektor's video for "On the Radio" is partially responsible for my dream.

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