Friday, March 30, 2007

The drugs don't work, they just make you worse.

I'm at work. Some chick just basically threw her laptop on the counter, and then made some kind of sigh-grunt noise. You know what I say to that? Nothing, because it doesn't even fucking matter. Currently, I'm reading about existentialism. I gotta be honest, I don't really get it. I'm also reading Reading Lolita in Tehran (which so far I believe to be overrated), Possible Side Effects (if you want to feel smart because you can read a whole book in a day, read anything by Augusten Burroughs), and I just finished Anthem (which made me realize that I was correct in thinking that I have socialist tendencies, and that Ayn Rand is a fucking heartless whore). So that's it. Now I'm going to watch Goodfellas. At work. Yeah, I hate me too.

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