Sunday, October 19, 2008

Apparently there aren't enough real things to annoy me.

Listen, myspace. When I log onto your terribly-addictive website, I do not want to google something. If I wanted to google something, I would probably fucking google it. But you have deemed it necessary to initially insert my cursor into the search field at the top of the page. Meaning that I have to click elsewhere on the webpage in order to scroll down with my keyboard arrows. This may seem like a minor thing, and trust me, in the grand scheme of things, it is more minor than minor. However, it's annoying to go to a website that has millions of users and have this stupid thing happen as soon as the goddamn page loads. Unfortunately, it's not enough of an annoyance to keep me away.


ultrafknbd said...

Warning: geek to live suggestion.

This may not necessarily address your MySpace page load woes but if you use Firefox, try add-ons Nuke Anything and good ol' Adblock Plus. It may not help at all but it may make you feel better because you tried. Damn you MySpace; you behemoth!

Mary said...

Those are helpful. Thus far, my only Firefox add-ons have been lame things like "Colorful Tabs" and "Cute Menus", so yes, I think I need some things that have purposes beyond aesthetics.

ultrafknbd said...

I have to say I really like Colorful Tabs. For added functionality, I also recommends IE Tab, WebMail Notifier, and Flashblock (if you don't mind having to click on an arrow to load Flash vids (such as YouTube, MySpace, and the like) rather than have 'em load automatically). Also try out Answers, GCal Popup (if you use Google Calendar), and for shits and giggles Cooliris. I have a few more but I think I geeked out enough already.