Friday, May 25, 2007

Can we get some privacy in here, please?

So, you know how on MySpace you can set things to private? Your whole profile, certain blog posts, pictures. All of those things are stupid. (Yes, I know I had a private profile for a minute, and I have set blogs to private in the past. Shut up.) So, you're on this website to keep up with current friends, reunite with old friends, and make new friends, probably through other friends. And some of you are on there to stalk your exes, don't fucking lie. So, anyway, it pisses me off when people set their profiles to private because they're basically saying, I have enough friends. Which is so fucking egotistical, I can't stand it. I know there are creeps on myspace, but I don't really have to worry about that unless one of them has a beer fetish. My pictures are embarrassing to say the least, but also, extremely un-sexy.

So anyway, I click on a friend (I'm not divulging names), and then I click on some friend of theirs, and immediately click on the pictures. That's basically all I do. I mean, who has time to read all those bands and movies and shit? Not me. I skim to see if there's anything witty, but I don't have all fucking day here. So, instead of the pictures showing up, I see "user has set photos to private" or whatever it says. So, I click back to the profile page, and I see that there is a slideshow of all of their myspace pictures. What a fucking retard. If you don't want people to look at your pictures, why would you post them on your main page which is not private? Idiot.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

If you knew that, you'd be as clever as me.

So, something is wrong with me. I think I need to cut some things out of my diet. Meat and cheese, basically. Also, I need to limit my intake of dairy milk because I feel really gross. Plus it's summer, so fruits and vegetables are really pretty right now. Tonight I had some zucchini and tomatoes, and then a few bites of halibut. I feel semi-decent right now. Oh yeah, I also had a couple of spoonfuls of chocolate ganache, straight up. (That might have been the real reason for my light dinner. Maybe.) Anyway, meat is kind of grossing me out right now. Even eggs, and normally I can have eggs for 3 meals a day without getting tired of them.

After looking at all the lovely produce, I've decided to make a vegetable soup. Tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, corn, green beans, mushrooms, peppers, chard, and some herbs. That sounds so delicious to me. I know the weather's a little warm for soup, but fuck it. So anyway, cutting some stuff out, that's what I'm going to work on for the next few weeks. Also, I need to be eating yogurt or kefir everyday. It's dairy, but probiotics make it okay in my book.

So, I saw something referencing Da Ali G Show today. I remembered that I watched that a little while ago. I was high (which is not a regular thing in case you're reading this, dad), because we were going to watch Snakes on a Plane. Isn't that an important reason to smoke? Yeah, I thought so, too. However, we ended up watching Ali G instead which I thought was hilarious. Until I fell asleep. So that reminded me that I still need to see Borat. Wow, that was a long explanation. I'm going to crack open a bottle of wine now. If it's twist off, if not, I'll have to pop it open. Later.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Do I look like I have class?

So, it's Monday night and I'm bored, so I'm going to do my favorite thing: talk about myself. Steeplechase was definitely interesting. I don't think I'll go next year, simply because of the logistics of the event. Basically, you dress up and stand outside and drink and walk around to see who you know. Downsides are the heat and the side effects of it, namely sweating, sunburn, and um, being really fucking hot. Like, seriously, walking around is enough to kill a person. Anyway, must-have items are sunscreen, a hat, a tent, toilet paper (in case the port-a-jon is out), water, sunglasses, water, and water. Oh, and food. You drink a lot for a really long time, so you have to eat something.

If I were to go back, I would want to go with all my friends. That way, there would be less walking around and more drinking with buddies. But the thing is, that's not what you do. ("Gah, Mary!") So, what I want isn't really possible. I don't have that much influence over my friends. I can't tell them they're not allowed to leave the plot or anything like that. But it was fun when I didn't feel like I was dying. And the people who went with me were lovely and extremely fun. So, in conclusion, a good day, but it probably won't be repeated.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Eventually, tomorrow becomes yesterday.

So, tomorrow I'm going to Nashville. I'm going to a fancy horse race called Steeplechase. I think I'm the only person in the world that would refer to it as a "fancy horse race". But that's only because I'm fabulously ghetto. Anyway, I am wearing a sun hat, which is one of the few times anyone will see me in a hat. I have an issue with them because I have a small head, but I'm going to do it anyway.

Also, tomorrow is my dad's birthday. I'm not sure how old he is, I think between 55 and 60, but I honestly can't say that with any amount of certainty. I'm going to dinner with him and my stepmom, so, that's awesome. . . free meal and all.

So, one of the problems with Steeplechase (which is on Saturday), is that you drink from like 8 am on. I don't know if I can handle it. I'm bound to see some people I don't care for, and I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. I don't dress up very often, and there's a reason for that, I'm not the most genteel person in the world. I guess we'll see whether or not I end up embarrassing myself. Should be fun. Right?


Sunday, May 06, 2007

This may have to be updated; I'm pretty drunk.

Coming to America is probably the best movie ever.

Where I've visited outside America: Italy, Bonaire, Costa Rica, Belgium (okay, just the Brussels airport).
In America: San Francisco, Chicago, Miami / most places in Florida, New York, South Dakota, South Carolina, Atlanta, Mississipi, Alabama, many places in Tennessee.

Where I want to go outside America: Africa (esp. South Africa), China (Shanghai or Beijing), Canada (all over, even the really cold places), Australia, Germany, Holland, France, Ireland, India, Russia, Argentina / Chile, Iceland, Mexico, Puerto Rico.
In America: San Francisco / Berkeley, TEXAS, Hawai'i, Los Angeles, Montana, Arizona.

Please tell me if there's anything I've left out. Because I'm certain I have.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

I think I'm giving up on life.

At least in Knoxville, and at least until June.

Just thought you should know.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Lady-like isn't what I was going for.

What is up with this southern custom of women letting men do whatever they want? I especially notice it with the younger women at UT and it makes me want to puke. The whole "ladies' southern charm" thing is a given, but the purpose of that charm is to get men to do what you want, not the other way around. Of course, leave it to east Tennessee to be more backwards than the other states in the south. I just don't get it. I guess it's just a courtesy thing, but I see it as a 'doormat' kind of thing.

Why should women do favors for men when they'll gladly do favors for us? After all this time, women still get paid less, and the reasoning behind this is that with pregnancy, women are more likely to take extra time off. In a given year, what's the percentage of women in the workplace that get pregnant? Please tell me because, unless it's 100%, there's no way that all women in America should be paid less simply because they are capable of reproducing. So for this reason alone, women should see men as an opportunity to get some payback for lower wages.

But here in Knoxville, girls lug their boyfriends' laptops back for me to check in. They get them drinks at Starbucks, but no, they don't want anything. They help them study, while neglecting their own classes. They let their boyfriends feel smart by pretending not to know the answers in class.

Which is all fine, I suppose I shouldn't judge. However, I can't help but feel that the negative connotation of 'feminist' is partially to blame for this anti-feminist behavior. But whatever, I probably don't even shave my armpits, right?

What if I were to start screaming right now?

Please, let this semester end soon. I'm sick of the library with all these whiny, bratty kids. I need a vacation. And a nap. I miss my friends. Even the ones who live in Knoxville.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007